You can help to mht2htm become better.
You can translate mht2htm to your language. There is form TRANSLATION with every version with strings needed to translate. Help also need to be translated.
You can compile mht2htm for one system I can't. I can only do that for windows and Linux and there is Lazarus versions for almost any system.
You can test mht2htm to other unlisted versions of Windows, Linux, BSD ... and tell me if it works or not.
You can tell me if you find mht mht2htm can't convert (don't send it to me, mail me address and program version which created mht).
You can report bug.
And, finally, you can mail me what you think that can be improved.
Goran Atanasijevic
<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
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