Win32, Linux (GTK and GTK2), source
Compiled with Lazarus 9.20 and Free Pascal 2.0.4 for Win32
Compiled with Lazarus 9.22 and Free Pascal 2.0.4 for Linux
All executables are compressed with UPX 3.01 <>

License changed from GNU GPLv2 to GNU GPLv3.
Most of functions are rewritten.
Changed about 60, maybe 80% of code.
10% faster then v1.5.0.10 (tested on sample of 187 mht files saved with IE, ~23.7MB).
Now work with .mht files saved with:
-EZ save MHT
-html2mhtml (open source MHT creator)
-SavePage (command line)
-email .eml files, it was not designed to work with but as this files have similar structure as .mht file mht2htm can, more or less successful, to extract mail parts and show them in any browser. Tested MS OutlookExpress and SeaMonkey mail clients.
Tested with same of most used CMSs, blogs, forums and popular sites.
{I'm still looking for .mht files (examples I can examine) saved with Safari and Konqueror.}
{No new languages - no one wanted to help :( }
Main function is now recursive.